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10,000 Tillamooks

It's been a big week here. We're getting some posts we've been working on for a few months finalized for one, look for them in the next couple weeks.

We also hit a landmark yesterday, we got our 10,000th visitor. We thought we would be lucky to get a couple thousand in a year, so thank you to all our readers. Hopefully we've helped a lot of you, keep the good questions coming.

In other news we're going to be making some changes soon. We're adding an "Additional Reading" section to each post as well as a "Created" and "Revised" date. This way when we update posts to help keep them relevant with updated software and distros the readers will know. Our goal is to make sure that no matter how old a post is, it will stay relevant for those who find it in the future. This will help cut down on misinformation and finding fixes for previous versions of a distro that don't work in the latest.

Thanks and happy trails Tillamooks.

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